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Tests API

« API Overview

The Tests resources allow you view the test history associated with the authorized AppHarbor account.


List Tests

Returns a list of test history items for the specified build ordered and grouped by id.


GET /applications/:slug/builds/:build/tests


The item properties are the same as the detail with the addition of the URL for the item detail.

Status: 200 OK

    "id": "1",
    "name": "FooTest",
    "status": "Failed",
    "kind": "Group",
    "duration": "00:00:03.3852434",
        "id": "1.1",
        "name": "CanCreateFoo",
        "status": "Failed",
        "kind": "Test",
        "duration": "00:00:00.0156002",
        "tests": []
        "id": "1.2",
        "name": "CanDeleteFoo",
        "status": "Passed",
        "kind": "Test",
        "duration": "00:00:00.0468006",
        "tests": []
    "id": "2",
    "name": "BarTest",
    "status": "Passed",
    "kind": "Group",
    "duration": "00:00:04.1028526",
    "tests": [
            "id": "2.1",
            "name": "CanCreateBar",
            "status": "Passed",
            "kind": "Test",
            "duration": "00:00:00.1248016",
            "tests": []
            "id": "2.2",
            "name": "CanDeleteBar",
            "status": "Skipped",
            "kind": "Test",
            "duration": "00:00:00.0936012",
            "tests": []

Get Test Detail

Retrieve the test detail for the specified build and test ID.

Note: Test detail items are represented by a tree structure. The tests property for items of kind Group may contain either groups or tests. Items of type Test will have an empty list for the tests property as they cannot contain children.


GET /applications/:slug/builds/:build/tests/:id


Status: 200 OK

    "id": "3.1",
    "name": "ShouldReturnFooWhenBarIsCalled",
    "status": "Passed",
    "kind": "Test",
    "duration": "00:00:00.0312004",
    "tests": []

Response Properties

id Unique identifier for the test based on its position in the heirarchy.
name Name of the test extracted from the test method.
status The test's completion status. Possible values are Passed, Failed, or Skipped.
kind The item's type within the heirarchy. Possible values are 'Group' and 'Test'.
duration Length of execution time for the test, represented as a TimeSpan.
tests If the item is a Group, the child items for the group.

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