Using Memcacher
Memcacher provides a memcached service that you can use to increase performance of your applications. Installing the add-on is simple and is automatically integrated with your current client configuration if you're using the Enyim memcached client. If you prefer to use another client you can easily fetch the necessary configuration variables from your appsettings to connect to your memcached bucket. Both approaches are described below.
Memcacher buckets are only available from AppHarbor applications servers and you cannot access them from outside hosts.
Automatic Installation
If you're using the Enyim
Memcached client and use your configuration file to configure
it you're in luck. We'll simply replace
configuration section when your
application is deployed with the values from the memcacher
In development you could have a configuration like this in your configuration file:
<sectionGroup name="">
<section name="memcached" type="Enyim.Caching.Configuration.MemcachedClientSection, Enyim.Caching" />
<memcached protocol="Binary">
<add address="localhost" port="11211" />
type="Enyim.Caching.Memcached.PlainTextAuthenticator, Enyim.Caching"
During development you can use any memcached server and we can recommend using Couchbase's Membase Server which is available for Windows too.
Note: The authentication section of the configuration above is only necessary if you need to authenticate to reach your memcached server.
Manual Installation
If you prefer to use another client you can do so by fetching the relevant configuration from your appSettings. You can see the values and name of the appSettings keys on your application's page under "Variables". The variables are called: MEMCACHER_USERNAME, MEMCACHER_PASSWORD, MEMCACHER_ADDRESS and MEMCACHER_PORT.