Archived Support Site

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Integrating with GitHub

Note: GitHub has deprecated the integration point we previously recommended to connect AppHarbor applications with GitHub repositories. A new integration workflow is in the works and in the meanwhile you can still integrate AppHarbor with GitHub by taking the steps outlined below

Add a Webhook to your GitHub repository

AppHarbor supports GitHub Webhooks and you can use this to notify AppHarbor of new pushes to your GitHub repository. Go to your repository settings and click the "Webhooks" link in the menu. Then click "Add Webhook" and fill in the following information

  1. "Payload URL" should be set to the "Build URL" found in the application menu bar on your AppHarbor application's main page.
  2. Set the Webhook "Content type" to "application/json" in the drop down menu.

Leave all the other settings with their default values and click the "Add webhook" button to save it.


Add user account to private repositories

Remember that if your repository is private you should add the "apphb" user as a collaborator on your repository to allow us to fetch the code.


If you're using GitHub organizations for your repository hosting you can simply add the "apphb" user to an organization team that has access to the repository.

Note: We regularly accept collaborator invites, but feel free to give us a heads up here on support if the invite to let the "apphb" user access your repository hasn't been accepted within a couple of hours.