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Start/Stop/Restart buttons for background workers?

Kef's Avatar


07 Mar, 2018 03:00 AM

Is it possible to do that by not just creating dummy files and pushing them with git? It's getting a bit tedious.

Thank you in advance!

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by rune on 07 Mar, 2018 06:09 AM

    rune's Avatar


    Instead of pushing dummy files/commits you could restart workers by doing something else that'd automatically trigger a deployment -- for instance, create/edit a random configuration variable, which always causes the workers to be redeployed.

    To start/stop workers I'd probably just remove and add workers on the Subscription page for your app.

    I hope this helps!


  2. rune closed this discussion on 07 Mar, 2018 06:09 AM.

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