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Can't access newrelic

Marcus10110's Avatar


25 Oct, 2017 09:46 PM

Hi Guys,

I haven't accessed newrelic in a while, but now when I click "Go to New Relic" I get redirected to "<ID removed>/edit"

Specifically, note the dot between "https://" and "", which gives me "This site can’t be reached"
I think it's supposed to be but adding that redirects me back to the domain starting with a dot.
removing the dot takes me to a 404 page.

I'm still getting regular alert emails from newrelic, but I just don't have any way to access my account.

Let me know if I need to talk to New Relic support for this, thanks!

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by rune on 25 Oct, 2017 10:31 PM

    rune's Avatar


    Yes we're aware of this issue where New Relic for some reason redirects to an invalid URL. It happens after the SSO handshake and authentication cookies are set though, so until this is fixed you can still access New Relic by entering this URL after clicking the "Go to New Relic" link on AppHarbor (e.g. when your browser is redirected to the invalid

    Note that you may have to clear cookies for the and domains before that'll work (or use an incognito/private browser session when doing so).

    I hope this workaround helps while we work with New Relic to resolve the underlying issue.


  2. 2 Posted by Marcus10110 on 25 Oct, 2017 10:59 PM

    Marcus10110's Avatar

    Thanks Rune, that worked!

  3. rune closed this discussion on 17 Jan, 2019 12:08 AM.

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