Build stalled
I tried to update my app earlier, but the build seems stalled with only "Received notification, queuing build" under the logs. I thought it was an error in my code, but I re-deployed the build from a previously successful webhook request, and the same thing happened. I now have 3 builds that seem to be in limbo, unable to begin downloading the source, but still able to give me that "no manual deployments when tracked builds are in progress" if I try to switch branches or anything. Any suggestions? Thanks!
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Support Staff 1 Posted by rune on 16 Feb, 2022 04:15 AM
Thanks for reporting this issue! The issue was resolved a couple hours after you wrote, and I've confirmed that the queued builds associated with apps on your account have processed in the meantime - so please let me know if you continue to experience issues with any other apps, or there's anything else I can help with!
rune closed this discussion on 16 Feb, 2022 04:15 AM.