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Problems with certificates

ibanezjp's Avatar


30 Sep, 2021 09:40 PM

Hi Rune,

Today we started having problem with SSL Certificates what can we do?

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by rune on 30 Sep, 2021 10:18 PM

    rune's Avatar


    Happy to help! What applications/certificates are you having problems with, and what errors are you experiencing?


  2. 2 Posted by ibanezjp on 30 Sep, 2021 10:29 PM

    ibanezjp's Avatar

    Name of the application is: ticketpassapi

    I guess the problem could be related to:

    Really I am using the Piggyback SSL certificate no a custom one.

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by rune on 30 Sep, 2021 10:58 PM

    rune's Avatar

    Ah that's right - we've actually just pushed an update to the certificates serving (which are also used to push to the built-in git repository for your apps - and caused problems for some older Git client as mentioned in this discussion).

    If I understand you correctly the issues you're experiencing are related to an API you're serving with the piggyback * certificate? We may update the certificate chain causing these issues for older clients on the * certificates well, but still evaluating the impact this could.


  4. 4 Posted by ibanezjp on 30 Sep, 2021 11:06 PM

    ibanezjp's Avatar

    Yes we are using https://*

    So, option A is to wait until you update the certificate chain.

    What could be option B?

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by rune on 01 Oct, 2021 12:28 AM

    rune's Avatar

    There are a couple of "option B" solutions to fix this right away:

    1. You add a custom hostname to your app, and install a certificate that doesn't have this issue.
    2. Who are your clients and what software do they use to connect to your API? If you control the clients accessing the site you could just follow the steps outlined in this article (in the "What should you do?" section). This might not be practical if you have a lot out external clients, but would actually be a good idea to upgrade the client software in any case.

    I suspect we'll be able to make a change on our end in the relatively near future (like the next few days) so perhaps option A is an acceptable solution.


  6. 6 Posted by ibanezjp on 01 Oct, 2021 02:03 AM

    ibanezjp's Avatar

    Our API is consumed by iPhone and Android APPs, so make the change would take us several days :(

    I guess we will need to wait until you fix it in your end.

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